Edible Portion: Fruit, Seeds, Nuts, Leaves, Flowers, Vegetable An erect, branched evergreen tree. It can grow to 10-40 m high and is long lived. (Trees grown by vegetative means are smallerand more compact.) Trees spread to 15 m across. It has strong deep roots. The trunk is thick. The bark is...
05 Februari 2018 This special re-print edition of US Dept. of Agriculture's book "Mangoes in Florida" provides insight into the early Mango industry in Florida. Written in 1915, this classic text provides insight into how mangoes were grown and managed in Florida. Included are insights into heirloom mango...
01 Januari 1992 This book is the product of generations of men and women who planted their passion for tropical fruit in general and mangoes in particular in the soil of South Florida, the growing point of a continent. Includes full-color illustrations, descriptions, recipes, and a glossary. (2 Copies)